4.9.23 - Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9 & 24


  1. Why is the Easter story the “main thing” in the Christian faith? What does it mean? What does it prove? Why center on this… even over Jesus’s birth or Jesus’s death on the cross?

  2. Do you think you’re a “bad guesser”? What do the stories about the disciples in Luke 9 reveal to us about why we so often get things wrong? What can we learn from Jesus’s attitude towards them?

  3. What’s so hard about “denying ourselves”? What was surprising to you (if anything) about how Kenny defined/described this challenge? 

  4. How do you feel about this week’s challenge to focus on following Jesus rather than focusing on the future? Do you ever struggle with this? 

  5. What’s one way following Jesus is hard for you?

  6. Kenny said we can become better followers of Jesus by asking one key question: what does Jesus want to change? How would you answer that question this week? 

  7. What does God’s willingness to send Jesus to us in the first place reveal about how He feels about us? 

  8. What does the resurrection reveal about how God feels about us? What does it mean, in terms of the challenge to “deny ourselves” and follow after Christ? 

  9. Do you believe you are God’s beloved? 

Kenny Camacho