4.2.23 - Which Song Is About You? On Keeping Ourselves Open on Palm Sunday (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Luke 7 & 19


  1. Who are the people in Jerusalem looking for in Jesus? Can you relate? If you could “make” Jesus fix the world in just the way you want it fixed, what would you have him do?

  2. Read Jesus’s prayer over Jerusalem in Luke 19:41-44. Why do you think Jesus says these things? Do they relate to you, too? How so?

  3. Why do you think John the Baptist questions Jesus’s identity? How does Jesus’s reply in Luke 7 answer John’s doubts?

  4. Why do the people in Jerusalem change their minds about Jesus? 

  5. Look at Jesus’s riddle in Luke 7:31-35. What do the children want? Why? What does this teach us about the “people of this generation”?

  6. Kenny said that the people’s “repentance is limited because it’s just a way to try and get what they want; they don’t realize that what they want is what they need to repent of.” What do you make of this? Do you see it in your own story? 

  7. The point of this week’s sermon is that the revolution is personal: how do you think this works? Do you believe this? Do you believe it is “enough”?

  8. Where do you need to do more “dilly-dallying in Galilee” in your life? How can you be more present, more loving, and more generous towards others? Why do you need to “see” this week? 

Kenny Camacho