8.27.23 - Daniel, Dreams, & the Trouble with Happily Ever After (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 29, Daniel 2


  1. Have you ever struggled with seasons of waiting? What has made this so hard?

  2. Do you resonate with the Israelites’ experience of exile? Have you ever been in a similar spot–where you wonder if God is really present with you? Discuss this with someone you trust this week!

  3. What can we learn from Daniel about “waiting well”? 

  4. One of the lessons from the Daniel stories is how important it is to do the small stuff. What does this mean to you? What makes it hard?

  5. It’s so “like God” for God to speak to Israel’s enemies! What do you think we can learn from this?

  6. What would it mean for you to trust more in God’s plans for the future? Can you share your hopes (or your fears!) with someone this week?

Kenny Camacho