3.12.23 - John, Jesus, and the Interstate Highway System (Kenny Camacho)



  1. Don’t forget your “homework” for this week! Read Luke 1-5, and consider journaling as you go. You can consider: what does this passage say? Who is it for? What does it teach me about who God is? What does it teach me about who I am? What is Jesus showing me about how I can live? 

  2. This week, we’re talking about way-making: what “way” is Jesus on Earth to make for people? All “ways” connect two points: in this case, what are they? 

  3. There are four parts to this message, and the first has to do with repentance. Kenny said that John’s hard words to the people who came out to see him are all about challenging them to do “excavation work” in their own hearts. What do you think this means? 

  4. The second part is about generosity: how does living generously towards others line up with the “fruit of repentance” in these verses? What can make this hard for us? 

  5. The third part is about what Jesus does: he paves the road and gives us an example of righteous living to follow. But why do you think Jesus is really necessary? What are the limits or problems with just doing the first two things here: repenting and living generously? 

The fourth part is about what we do: we walk the road God has built. How do you understand this step? What does it look like for you? What makes it easier or harder for you to do?

Kenny Camacho