2.19.23 - A Community Called Atonement (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Romans 8:26, Philippians 1:4-6, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, & 1 Peter 1:22


  1. What have you discovered during this series? Has it enhanced your understanding of “sin” or “atonement”? What questions do you still have?

  2. The first half of this week’s sermon is about how we might know if “atonement” really works. Have you ever wondered about this question? 

  3. Kenny said that the metaphor of a “road trip” can be helpful for understanding three aspects of Christian life. The first is that the Christian journey “always begins with an act of trust.” If you identify as a Christian, can you remember that moment? If you don’t, what do you think of this idea?

  4. The second aspect is that the Christian journey “involves progressively letting go.” What do you think we have to let go of? Why is it necessary? Why can it be frightening, and where might you find reassurance?

  5. The third point is that the success of the Christian journey (like a good road trip!) is evidenced by “growing relationships.” What relationships are currently growing in your life? What ones might need to?

  6. The second half of the sermon is about how atonement changes things right now for us as a community. Scripture teaches that internal changes in us lead to mutual love among us. Where do you see that at Revolution? Where can we pray/act to see it more

  7. Finally, the love we have for each other is meant to equip us to be “ambassadors of reconciliation” in the world. What do you think this means? How can you help?

Kenny Camacho