10.2.22 - A Church for People Who Want to Walk Together (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Galatians 4:6, 2 Corinthians 5:14-20, & Luke 24:13-31

“What if what God is asking for from us is to be sincerely interested in His company? It’s true that what He has to say to us leads us to something great: it’s a road to salvation, to eternal life…but over and over again, Jesus shows us that God’s heart is not to threaten us into accepting heaven, it’s to open heaven up to us through a relationship with Himself.” 


  1. Do you tend to see “becoming a Christian” more as something which happens in an instant or something which happens over a lifetime? In what ways are both true? What is lost when we prioritize the former over the latter?

  2. What are your thoughts on the Holy Spirit? What do you think it means for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, as Christians? What work is the Holy Spirit doing?

  3. The challenging truth at the center of the Christian journey is that we’re ultimately called to lay down everything before the sovereignty of God. What can make this frightening? What scares you about this calling?

  4. Kenny talked about the “ship of Theseus” riddle: how does that riddle relate to our fears about surrendering our whole selves to God? How might it offer some reassurance or comfort?

  5. Kenny also said that the metaphor of “walking with God” can help us understand how God can be both present and sometimes silent in our lives. Think this through: is it possible that sometimes God is actually present with us, even when we can’t seem to feel Him or hear Him? Are you ever present with others in a similar way? If so, what does that teach us about who God is and how God wants us to experience His presence

  6. How can we be a church for others who sense Christian faith is a “journey” rather than a “destination”? 

Kenny Camacho